Your subconscious mind is running your life.

Did you know that your mind is actually made up of two separate minds: both the conscious and subconscious? Cellular Biologist, Dr Bruce Lipton (1) states that together, they create what he calls the “body’s controlling voice”. The conscious part is the one that can think freely and creates new ideas, whereas the subconscious part is essentially a programmed database of our behaviours, thoughts and emotions, the majority of which we would seem to have acquired before the age of 7 and is totally without reason or logic and without judgement or criticism. According to scientific research, it would appear that your subconscious mind is responsible for an incredible 95% of your brain’s activity, whilst the conscious mind; those cognitive abilities: decisions, thoughts, actions and behaviours in your conscious awareness is responsible for only 5% (2)

Indeed, your subconscious, which is largely run on automatic pilot mode, is now seen as the major player in your mind and is clearly running the show of your daily life. Every bit of it is guided by your subconscious beliefs and interpretations. It seems we really actually do most things without ‘thinking’. The way we talk to ourselves, the way we handle stressful life situations and the reason we respond the way we respond when triggered by events is likely due to an automated programme installed in our early years, even from the time in utero. It is our conditioned response, so even when we think we are being conscious, it is probably more truthful that our subconscious mind is making our decisions for us. 

Now that you’re an adult, you know you want to change and transform your negative behavior and thought patterns and you desire to change your limiting beliefs and truly heal your life but for some reason no matter how many positive affirmations you keep telling yourself on a daily basis, nothing really seems to change. The problem being as you now realise, 95% of that stuff that keeps playing out for you is preprogrammed and out of your cognitive control and most of that is negative but you don’t really know or understand what’s happening because it’s completely invisible to the conscious mind. In short, your subconscious mind has been pre-programmed to follow a specific route and you can’t deviate from that route unless you change the directions programmed into it first.

No wonder it feels impossible. 

So how do you get out of this never-ending cycle of repeating programs? The truth is, it doesn’t have to be so difficult to create a change and you really do have the ability to clear those beliefs, thoughts and negative patterns that have been keeping you stuck from living your best life. You need to change your focus from the conscious to the subconscious mind. It’s not enough to just think positively in a conscious way because your subconscious will look to be back in charge as soon as your focus changes, rather as advised by Dr Lipton, you need to reprogram your subconscious mind to create real, lasting change. You need to change the directions. 


Hypnotherapy enables us to communicate with the subconscious mind and make beneficial changes in the very depths of the subconscious. By entering into that theta state of hypnosis, which is the most receptive space for our subconscious mind, you can safely bypass the conscious, critical part of the mind and reprogram the subconscious so that it takes on board new, positive ideas. Hypnotherapy allows us to find a way to override that subconscious idea by bringing it to light, so we can either re-evaluate its truth or use different language in the form of suggestions to disempower it. 


Emotional Freedom Technique (aka EFT), changes the neural pathways in the brain. Eft is a form of psychological acupressure, referred to as “tapping” and is based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture but without the invasiveness of needles. By simple tapping with the fingertips, whilst talking and thinking through the issues, you are able to reprogram a new way of being in your subconscious mind. Scientific research continues to demonstrate its effectiveness for a wide variety of conditions and most importantly changing the subconscious mind (3)


It really is time for you to realise that although your subconscious mind is running your life, You can actually affect real change in how it actually runs. Yes, you heard me right…

Want to find out more about these 2 techniques and how you can transform your old negative programs? Want to access your subconscious mind? Then click here to book a call



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