MindHack System

In my practice, as a Hypno4Children Practitioner, I use the 'MindHack System,' a blend of therapeutic techniques like Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Tapping, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and Positive Psychology/Coaching.

This approach creates a Wellbeing Toolbox for your teenager, including coping skills and strategies, new healthy habits and positive beliefs about themselves and their own abilities. All aimed at boosting their wellbeing and self-assurance.

This gives your young person a Wellbeing Toolbox of techniques, strategies, healthy habits and beliefs about their own resourcefulness that will enhance their wellbeing.

Common Issues for Children from age 10 – 13 are;

Exams & schoolwork pressure/ social anxiety / depression / confidence / school / sleeping / friendships / self-harm

Common Issues for Young People from age 14+ are:

Self-harm / relationships / exam & schoolwork pressure / depression / social & generalised anxiety / confidence / Uni stress / external & internal pressure to succeed / eating

What to expect:

Engaging in our sessions, parents can anticipate a remarkable transformation in their teenager. Through exploring the principles behind each letter of MINDHACK, we'll collaboratively construct a toolbox brimming with strategies customised to their well-being. Equipped with these tools, teenagers will gain the confidence and independence to confront difficult emotions such as sadness, anxiety, or worry. By consistently applying these techniques, they'll undergo a cognitive rewiring process, leading to enhanced calmness and a substantial boost in self-assurance.