The beliefs we have about ourselves were  formed in our subconscious before the age of seven.

The subconscious mind runs much of your life and yet you probably don’t know much about it. It is a data bank for all that is not in your conscious mind; it is where rituals and beliefs are stored. 

Until the age of seven, the subconscious is incredibly busy, taking in everything it is seeing, hearing, and feeling. Like a sponge, it is soaking up and storing every message it is receiving. 

It is in these years that the script of how you will operate in the future is being formed. So mastering the subconcious is vital, if you are to have a happy life, free from negative impulses.

The analogy I often think of in my clinic, when I am speaking to a client who is describing feeling like a prisoner to a certain type of negative behaviour or impulse, is that of a computer. 

The client will describe feeling trapped or powerless to a certain way of thinking or behaving. 

But think about the computer analogy: When you buy a computer, you are purchasing a powerful operating system, but without the programs, it is useless. 

When you buy the programs, or download them, you are giving that powerful system the rules it will operate under until you upgrade or remove them.

The human brain is the same. So, the messages you receive up until the age of seven are vitally important to how you will operate in the future, because you will always default to those early beliefs or ideas that your brain downloaded into your subconscious. 

That is why people can be perplexed about their behaviour or thoughts. Obviously, they can’t remember receiving the messages or beliefs that govern their life, and so they have difficulty comprehending how they have got themselves into a bind, when their conscious mind knows what they should do, and yet, time after time, they do the opposite.

The good news is that you can reprogram your brain. You are only a prisoner of the subconscious until you become aware of your beliefs. I have so many interesting conversations about this in my clinic. 


Unlocking the Power of Hypnosis and EFT for Teenagers